Quartets at Second Line Brewing

Alright y'all, brace yourselves.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Save the date for ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Come get in the holiday spirit with two amazingly talented caroling groups! | |
For more information, see: | www.facebook.com/reel/1123564039371216 |

Crescent City Sound Chorus is pleased to announce the installation of their new leadership team. The team members, who were recently sworn in, will play integral roles in guiding the chorus towards continued success. The following individuals have assumed their respective positions:
To mark this significant occasion, an installation ceremony and celebratory dinner took place at Porter and Luke’s in New Orleans. Emily Wascome from the Baton Rouge Chorus led the installation, drawing an analogy between each team position and parts of a hand. Wascome inspired the team to act as a strong, guiding hand to motivate and support the Crescent City Sound Chorus in the coming year. |
Wall of Fame - Angela Villemarette

MEMBER VOTED TO WALL OF FAME Members of the Crescent City Sound Chorus of Sweet Adelines International voted Angela Villemarette into the Sweet Adeline Wall of Fame. This honor is given to a member who has distinguished herself as a dedicated member. Angela has been a member of Sweet Adelines International since 1988, thanks to her bass mom, Pat Berg. She sang with New Orleans Blend and Baton Rouge Chorus before joining Crescent City Sound. She has served as Costume Chair, Membership Chair, Treasurer, and Team Coordinator, as well as Tenor and Lead Section Leader over the years. She has also sung tenor and lead in several quartets and is currently the Lead in Changed 4 Good Quartet. Angela’s response to this award: “If you know me, you already know that the greatest joy in all of this is the many friendships and life lessons I’ve claimed by being part of this organization. Our mutual love of music and vocal education truly frees us to cross so many barriers. I am humbled by this honor, as my chorus has shown me so much love and support as I’ve now passed my 5-year anniversary with Pancreatic Cancer! I’ve watched them change with me into people who choose to empower themselves with positivity and joy.” Angela was recognized in Houston at the Sweet Adelines International Region 10 competition that was held March 22-23. CCSC is always looking for new members. If interested in becoming a member call Sue at 504-535-4533 or email membership@crescentcitysound.com see website crescentcitysoundchorus.com. |
Sing Fest! 2023

Are you interested in a cappella music?
Do you sing in an a cappella group? Does the group you sing with have an unaccompanied song or two you want to share? Please join us for the first ever “Sing Fest!” Hosted by Crescent City Sound Chorus, featuring a cappella music from New Orleans area vocal ensembles. Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. St. John’s Lutheran School Gym 3937 Canal St. New Orleans, LA 70119 At the corner of Pierce and Iberville Streets in Mid-City New Orleans Free and open to the public! Bring your chair! We have some great groups already signed up! Is YOUR group interested in performing? There are 2 ways to register: Email Sue (sue.englebert@gmail.com) or Beth Sacco (nolabethpedals@gmail.com) or Click the QR code for Registration. ![]() |
Fleur de Lis Competes at Stage Door Idol Finale

CCSC is so proud of our Fleur de Lis quartet!! They competed in the Stage Door Idol and tied in their preliminary round. This means they are going to the finale!!! Please come to the WWII Museum in New Orleans August 15th at 6:00 pm to support them as they compete to be the Stage Door Idol of 2023. Tickets are $10 at the door.![]() |
Stage Door Idol 2023

We are very proud of our quartets and this month 2 of our quartets are competing in the Stage Door Idol contest at the National WWII museum. Mosaic will perform Tuesday, July 11th and Fleur de Lis is on Tuesday July 25th!! Showtime is 6pm. There will be 3 judges that evening but the audience serves as a 4th judge, so invite all your friends! Ticket sales at the door only. Open seating. $5 admission fee. Doors open at 5:45pm. Food and drinks are available for purchase. See you there!! | |
For more information, see: | www.nationalww2museum.org/programs/stage-door-idol |

Crescent City Sound Chorus is pleased to announce the installation of their new leadership team. The team members, who were recently sworn in, will play integral roles in guiding the chorus towards continued success. The following individuals have assumed their respective positions:
To commemorate this momentous occasion, an installation ceremony and celebratory luncheon were held at Lambert House in New Orleans.
Crescent City Sound Chorus, affiliated with Sweet Adelines International, is a talented group of women singers who come together every Monday night at 6:30 p.m. at St John Lutheran, located at 3937 Canal Street. The chorus welcomes new members who share their passion for harmonious melodies and vibrant performances. If you are interested in joining the Crescent City Sound Chorus or would like more information, please visit their website at crescentcitysound.com. You can also contact them via email at membership@crescentcitysoundchorus.com or call 504-535-4533. About Crescent City Sound Chorus: Crescent City Sound Chorus is a dynamic women's chorus based in New Orleans. They are affiliated with Sweet Adelines International, a worldwide organization committed to advancing the art of barbershop harmony. With their dedication to musical excellence and engaging performances, Crescent City Sound Chorus captivates audiences and brings joy to the community through the power of music. |
Wall of Fame - Beth Sacco

![]() Members of the Crescent City Sound Chorus of Sweet Adelines International voted Beth Sacco into the Sweet Adeline Wall of Fame. This honor is given to a member who has distinguished herself as a dedicated member. Beth has been a member of Sweet Adelines International for 10 years and sings bass in the Crescent City Sound Chorus. In her own works, “I am a firm believer that half of life is just showing up. I try to go everywhere I am invited because you never know what experiences await you. I am so happy I attended my first CCSC rehearsal 10 years ago after being invited, My life was changed for the better because of all the amazing friendships I have made through barbershop.” Beth also sings bass in the Toulouse quartet and serves as the chorus finance coordinator. She has held several leadership positions throughout the years such as Events Coordinator, Finance Coordinator, and Team Leader. She has always felt that if there was something that needed doing, she would step in to apply her skills as well as learn new ones. Beth was recognized in Houston at the Sweet Adelines International Region 10 competition that was held March 24-25. CCSC is always looking for new members. If interested in becoming a member call Hope at 504-535-4533 or email membership@crescentcitysound.com see website crescentcitysoundchours.com. |
Director Voted to Hall of Fame
REGIONAL HALL OF FAME Mary Beth McMurray is what you’d call a long-time barbershopper, often called a barbershop brat. Our research finds that this lady was only 8 years old when her mother, Kay McMurray, became a charter member of the Baton Rouge Chorus in 1960. Mary Beth was too young to join the chorus but would do her homework behind the risers while singing the tenor part along with the chorus. Somewhere between high school and college graduations she became a regular member on the risers. She attended Southeastern Louisiana University and obtained both Bachelor of Music Education and a Masters in Vocal Music degrees. Mary Beth took over directing the Baton Rouge chorus when her mother stepped down and lead them to multiple top-5 regional finishes and the 1989 regional championship. In 1995 she retired as a music teacher in the Baton Rouge School District and moved to Fort Smith, Arkansas. During her years in Fort Smith, Mary Beth worked for a number of years with Girl Scouts and also as a substitute teacher (still doing that - band directors and choir directors love having Mary Beth come in to be their sub) and has always stayed in close contact with Region 10 friends and continued coaching and attending most Region 10 events and competitions. Crescent City Sound Chorus asked Mary Beth to be their director in 2010. Even though she lives in Fort Smith the chorus was able to setup Skype at rehearsals and Mary Beth drives down at least once a month to rehearse with the chorus in person. Mary Beth has served the Region 10 Music Education Faculty and spent 5 years as Director of Musical Activities, well known as the DMA. She has also traveled to coach choruses in Region 10 and served as a mentor to other directors. I am sure that you will all agree that Mary Beth McMurray exemplifies the leadership, commitment, and dedication and educational traits that we hope to find in our Hall of Fame members. Congratulations to Mary Beth on this well-deserved recognition. |
East Region 10 Connection!

Sweet Adelines Great Gulf Coast Region 10 is a Region dominated by Texans! The Louisiana and Mobile, Alabama choruses do their best to travel to Texas for Regional Meetings and the Annual Competition weekend. However, only at competition weekend are most of the chorus members present. This year, the Crescent City Sound Chorus decided to host a gathering of the choruses on the East side of Region 10 on Thursday night of contest weekend 2023. The five choruses gathered together lead by Crescent City Sound Director, Mary Beth McMurray, to sing together and get to know each other. They started with a line dance to get the blood pumping and adrenaline moving, then sang some fun warm ups followed by rounds where they walked around and sang to each other identifying those singing the same part. Azalea City Harmony Director, Pat Hegwood, Baton Rouge Director, Sherry Barron, Bayou Blend represented by Euna Poole, Crescent City Sound Director, Mary Beth McMurray and Piney Hills Harmony Director, Candice Bassett introduced their choruses. Not able to attend was Bayou Blend Director, Daniel Zeagler. Marci Haack Weatherford, the Rooms and Meals coordinator for the convention, made it all possible. She made an appearance to say hello and bring each member a stick-on flower to symbolize the “blooming” of new relationships. They learned a tag and sang regional songs to complete their time together. The one hour event fostered new relationships between all of the chorus members that would not have ever happened without the dedicated time together. The combined chorus singing was a wonderful start to the 2023 Competition weekend, and plans are underway to get these choruses together again in the future. Candice Bassett- Director of Piney Hills Harmony in Ruston, La, Mary Beth McMurray - Director of Crescent City Sound in New Orleans, La, Sherry Barron - Director of Baton Rouge, Marci Haack Weatherford - Convention Rooms and Meals Coordinator, Euna Poole - Bayou Blend Chorus representative in Lafayette, La, and Pat Hegwood - Director of Azalea City Harmony in Mobile, Alabama |
Great Day Louisiana

Monday morning October 17th be sure to watch Great Day Louisiana on channel 4 to see Crescent City Sound Chorus promote our show If the Spirits Move You. Thanks to Malik for helping us promote our show. |
Cancer Crusaders - Celebration of Life Luncheon 2022

Crescent City Sound Chorus was very glad to be a part of and support the wonderful organization of Cancer Crusaders at their fundraising luncheon September 30th. A great organization supporting cancer research in our area. |
Culture Collision 12

WWNO 89.9 FM and Jefferson Performing Arts Society are partnering to bring back Culture Collision! Culture Collision 12 returns on Wednesday, September 21, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Jefferson Performing Arts Center in Metairie. This get-together of local nonprofit organizations that promote arts and culture is free and open to the public. Over 60 local arts and culture organizations are participating, including Crescent City Sound Chorus and is one of the organizations providing live entertainment. | |
For more information, see: | https://www.culturenola.com/ |
Stage Door Idol - Fleur de Lis
![]() museum on Tuesday July 12th!! Showtime is 6pm. There will be 3 judges that evening but the audience serves as a 4th judge, so invite all your friends! Ticket sales at the door only. Open seating. $5 admission fee. Doors open at 5:45pm. Food and drinks are available for purchase. See you there!! |
2022 Wall of Fame
![]() Members of the Crescent City Sound Chorus of Sweet Adelines International voted Sue Galliano into the Sweet Adeline Wall of Fame. This honor is given to a member who has distinguished herself as a dedicated member. She is a seasoned Sweet Adeline, who has stepped up time and again during her years as a chorus member. She works hard to accomplish goals for the good of her chorus resulting in a recognizable difference. She is always available, working tirelessly for her chorus and sets a positive example of what a Sweet Adeline should be. Sue serves as team leader. She will be recognized in Houston at the Sweet Adelines International Region 10 competition later this month CCSC is always looking for new members. If interested in becoming a member call Hope at 504-535-4533 or email membership@crescentcitysound.com see website crescentcitysoundchours.com. |
Cancer Crusaders honor survivors at luncheon
A dozen cancer survivors will be honored during the Cancer Crusaders' Celebration of Life luncheon Sept. 24. One of them is a former member, Kelly Fernon-Shaw, of River Ridge, who has taught high school in Orleans and Jefferson parishes, and is a second-generation Sweet Adeline in the Crescent City Sound Chorus. Read the full article here (https://www.nola.com/news/communities/crescent_city/article_bb93c30a-fadc-11eb-be59-433c2f4c8e13.html). |
Lambeth House Happy Hour
Fleur de Lis and Mosaic quartets sang at the Lambeth house happy hour on July 23, 2021. It was an hour long program with each quartet singing separately and and also together. Janie Soslow who is a member of Crescent City Sound Chorus and a resident at Lambeth house joined the quartets on some of the songs. |
Mosaic Quartet sing in Houma, LA for Memorial Day Celebration
Mosaic Quartet sings in Houma, LA for Memorial Day Celebration![]() |
2021-22 Team Leaders
Members of the Crescent City Sound Chorus of Sweet Adelines International recently installed their leadership team. They are, Sue Galliano, team leader; Andie Porter, communications; Jill Harsch, marketing/PR; Beth Sacco, finance; Debbie Mora, events coordinator, Hope Barnhill, membership and Mary Beth McMurray, chorus director. |
D.E.I. Task Force Statement

The Crescent City Sound Chorus, a Sweet Adelines International chapter, has developed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force. This group is dedicated to taking the necessary steps needed in becoming more accepting and inclusive of all its chorus members--potential, current, and past. As a chorus, we have always embraced anyone who walks through our doors with open arms, and want those who invest their time in us to feel welcome and accepted. Our goal is to make sure we are doing everything within our power to see that ANY person feels this way, whether in our audience, a visitor, or as a chorus member!
The Task Force developed a statement that was issued on the Crescent City Sound Chorus' social media accounts. You can read this statement here. This is our jumping off point. We know through this statement, three things have become abundantly clear: 1. We must commit long term to this work. 2. Sweet Adelines International leaders and chorus members affiliated with the organization are committed to supporting each other in this work. 3. That work starts within and must begin, in earnest, now.
DEI Task Force Members
(Co-Chairs): Anne Cafiero and Sue Englebert
Beth Sacco Gina Dixon Karla Crenshaw Kitty Warner Mary Beth McMurray
Sue Galliano
For more information, please see links below:
Value Proposition Task Force Meeting
Crescent City Sound Chorus was asked to participate in a interview with Valery Renz. She was pleasently surprised by their candor. Once again CCSC proves to be a healty chorus, involved in community within it's members.
The Sweet Adeline International Value Proposition Task Force is working to promote best practices and ways to support small and medium-sized choruses within the organization. As part of this effort, Crescent City Sound Chorus participated in a fact-finding session with the Director of Membership, Valery Renz and Chair of the Task Force to discuss their Chorus. Recommended to the Task Force as a thriving Chorus within Region 10, Crescent City Sound's management team discussed activities and the educationally-based culture that makes the Chorus successful. |
"It's The Music That Brings Us Together"

The Woodlands Show Chorus and Crescent City Sound Chorus ZOOMED a joint rehearsal, directed by the dynamic duo, Betty Clipman and Mary Beth McMurray. Thank you all who participated. It was a great evening. |
2020 Team Installation

Members of the Crescent City Sound Chorus of Sweet Adelines International recently installed their leadership team. They are, Donna Robinson, team leader; Sue Galliano, communications; Lynda Grass, marketing/PR; Sue Englebert, finance; Kitty Warner, events coordinator, Karla Crenshaw, membership and Mary Beth McMurray, chorus director. Because of the coronavirus, social distancing was required. They were unable to conduct the installation and celebration at a local restaurant. The ceremony was conducted and celebrated on ZOOM. |
2020 Wall of Fame Region 10
Donna Oliver began her Sweet Adelines journey when she joined Crescent City Sound Chorus in 2007. Music has always been a significant part of her life. She graduated from the University of New Orleans with a B.A. in Vocal Music Education (grades K-12) and Elementary Education (academic subjects: grades 1-8). She serves as Bass Section Director and on the directing team as one of the assistant directors of Crescent City Sound Chorus. She recently completed the Sweet Adelines International Directors Certification Program and has achieved Certified Director status. She sings bass in the chorus, as well as the small performing groups, Slap Happy and Just 4 Fun, and the newly formed Mosaic Quartet. Outside of the chorus, Donna is actively involved in the music ministry at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Kenner as pianist for one of the traditional services and as the Contemporary Music Director, where she leads the “Sounds of Praise” worship band. She is currently in her 18th year of teaching and is the 3rd grade teacher at Ridgewood Preparatory School in Metairie, Louisiana. She is filled with great joy to be a member of Crescent City Sound Chorus and Sweet Adelines International as it is a perfect blend of music and sisterhood. Singing along side of so many wonderful ladies who are very deserving of the Wall of Fame recognition. Donna feels very humbled and honored to be this year’s Wall of Fame recipient. |
2020 Region 10 Cancelled

![]() Cancelled Because of the Coronavirus outbreak, 2020 Region 10 Competition in Houston is cancelled. |
Raffle Partners
CCSC partnered with Slidell Camellia Quilters to raffle a beautiful hand made quilt. Lilli Arning, Finance Committee, right and Donna Robinson, Team Leader left, presented a check to Judy Theriot, CCSC member and president of Slidell Camellia Quilters. Slidell Camellia quilters have approximately 75 members that meet once a month to share knowledge and ideas of quilting with each other. They have been together for 33 years. They do charity work for local organizations such as fire and police departments, Hospice, Heiper International to provide Christmas stockings to local soldiers in Afghanistan. The lucky winner of the raffle was Marilyn Stewart of New Orleans. |
CCSC's Fabulous Saturday with Betty Clipman
CCSC Mic Testers at 2019 Harmony Classic Competition

Crescent City Sound Chorus has been asked to be the official mic testers for the Harmony Classic competition. This will take place September 17th at the Smoothie King Arena. “Our chorus was chosen based our high competition scores and consistently being one of the top 5 choruses in Regional Competitions for many years. We take this honor very seriously as we will be singing for thousands of Sweet Adelines from all over the world,” events coordinator Kitty Warner said. |
CCSC Welcomes Newest Members

Emily Lapouble, New Member Shepherdess welcomes our newest members Gabby Ethridge, Andie Porter, Kathy Cooke,Robin Stead and Hope Barnhill (missing from picture) |
New Team 2019-20
Meet Crescent City Sound Chorus's Team Leaders for 2019-20. Mary Beth, McMurray, Director; Lynda Grass, Marketing; Kitty Warner, Event Coordinator; Donna Robinson, Team Leader; Janie Saslow, Communications; Beth Sacco, Past Team Leader and Sue Englebert, Finance and Karla Crenshaw, Membership( not in picture) ![]() |
Meet Our Front Row
Back row: Niki Mouton (lead), Jeannine Thibodaux (lead), Sheryl York (bass)
Middle row: Ann Cafiero (lead), Rebecca Emel (tenor) Front row, left to right: Susan Domangue (baritone), Beth Sacco (bass), Debbie Mora (bass) |
CCSC Appears on "Steppin' Out" on WYES
A few members of Crescent City Sound Chorus recently appeared on Peggy Scott-Laborde's "Steppin' Out" program on WYES to promote our Fall show. Great job ladies! From left: Jeannine Thibodaux, Lois Robert, Beth Sacco, Sue Englebert, Rebecca Emel, Carolyn Weaver, Susan Domangue, Lynda Grass, Debbie, Mora, Jayne McGee; Director: Mary Beth McMurray View a Clip from the Progam |
Fleur de Lis Quartet Appears on WWL Morning Show
CCSC's very own Fleur de Lis quartet recently appeared on WWL's morning show to promote our Fall show. Thank you ladies for representing us so well! ![]() From left: Beverly Traub, tenor; Jeannine Thibodaux, lead; Sheryl York, bass; Nan Ledet, baritone Click Here to Watch the Interview |
2018 a Cappella Pitch Camp, a Successful First Year!
![]() Thanks to a generous grant from the New Orleans Hash House Harriers, made possible by their yearly Red Dress Run event, Crescent City Sound Chorus was able to host our first Young Women in Harmony Pitch Camp! Pitch Camp was a fun, one-week workshop that introduced participants to the Sweet Adelines International program called “Young Women in Harmony." This educational program targeted young women ages 12 to 26 and offered over 16 hours of music education, culminating in a free community performance. The program had 16 participants from all over the New Orleans area. The participants were enthusiastic and engaged in the education process. With donated facilities from Delgado and the University of New Orleans, and the NOH3 grant, Pitch Camp was able to provide an excellent, diverse educational experience. In preparation for Pitch Camp, CCSC completed an aggressive educational outreach campaign to over 90 schools and private groups. This included personal visits to many schools and a marketing campaigns to introduce our organization to the community as well as to music educators. We offered in-class music education programs as part of the outreach. We were able to give a class at Sacred Heart Academy this Spring. Within just 48 hours of posting the Pitch Camp performance on Facebook live, (Click Here to view it ) there were over 800 views and the post reached over 1450 people. That is a very strong start from a small group for our first time running this event! Based on our Pitch Camp success and the enthusiasm for this music education program, we intend to pursue making Pitch Camp an annual event! CCSC would like to thank all those involved with Pitch Camp including, parents, participants, educators, NOH3, Delgado, University of New Orleans, and of course, our Pitch Camp committee and CCSC members and staff that worked so hard to bring this educational program together! See you next Summer! Click Here to see photos from the event! |
New Orleans Mini Maker Faire

Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. From engineers to artists to scientists to crafters, Maker Faire is a venue for these "makers" to show hobbies, experiments, projects. We call it the Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth - a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness. Glimpse the future and get inspired! |
CCSC Performs at Fun Seekers Club, Harahan

CCSC performed for the Fun Seekers Club in Harahan with Sandra LeBlanc After Hurricane Katrina, CCSC became homeless. Harahan Senion Citizens facility offered them a home. They rehearsed there for many months until they could return to Delgado. Thank you Harahan. ! |
80 Years of Song
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